Our Services



Trauma is any injury, potential enough to cause prolonged disability or death. The causes of major trauma are many, which include vehicle accidents, major wounds, drowning, Burns, Falls, Toxins etc.


Based on the severity of the injury, immediate management and transport to a wall equipped medical facility (Normally known as Trauma Hospital/Centre)is necessary which will help prevent loss of life or parts of body. initial assessment is critical in any trauma case to determine the extent of injuries and damages which will help the management and treatment of trauma. Trauma surgery is the specialization in surgery that focuses on the treatment and care of injuries, often life-threatening, that are caused by impact forces. The cause of impact forces are many, but some of the more common ones include traffic accidents,falls, sports and crush injuries, as well as gunshot or stabbing wounds. In catastrophic incidents, trauma surgeons often from part of a larger team of specialized surgeons such as orthopedic (i.e.specialist for musculoskeletal injuries), vascular (i.e. specialist for the arteries, veins and other vessels), maxillofacial (i.e. specialist for facial injuries), cardiothoracic (i.e. specialist for the heart and thoracic organs), plastic (i.e special for the reconstruction of body areas following)and neurosurgeons (i.e. specialists for injuries to the brain and nervous system). Trauma surgery is a fast-paced and demanding practice that has very little time for the lengthy discussions that may otherwise be seen in some medical consultations. The trauma surgeon generally undergoes training after completion of a basic medical degree.

This training together with the medical degree may take up to a decade or more in most countries. Moreover, in some jurisdictions, trauma surgeons may also conduct the duties that would otherwise be done by general surgeons. This discipline, when combined with urgent general surgery may be referred to as acute surgery care.

Joint Replacement

Our team at NAVIN ORTHOPAEDIC has expertise in Joint replacement surgery, including Hip and A Knee Replacement. Joint Replacement Surgeries also called Arthroplasty, for Arthritic Patients are result oriented and rewarding. More and more patients are undergoing these surgeries in recent years as they produce a quick relief of pain and in addition, retain the normal function of the joint. The result is return to a better quality life and independent living. Apart from hip joint replacement and knee joint replacements, NAVIN ORTHOPAEDIC has facilities for shoulder joint replacement, elbow join replacement, and arthroscopic surgeries.


Arthroscopy is surgical procedure, which is used to diagnose and treat problems within the joint. A small fiber optic Arthroscope is inserted into a joint through a small incision (surgical cut) in the skin. The fiber optic Arthroscope is approximately 5 mm in diameter consists of a small camera mounted at the tip of a narrow tube with a light source. The arthroscopic procedure can be viewed on a monitor by the operating team.

Arthroscopy at NAVIN ORTHOPAEDIC provides an effective, state - of - the art technique for diagnosing and treating joint problems. At NAVIN ORTHOPAEDIC, the patient will have an experienced specialist providing the best possible treatment. Arthroscopy is done in a clean and sterile environment to minimize the infection rate. The World class equipments make our operation theater comparable to the best in india. Our operating rooms incorporate the latest technological advances in patient safety and comfort.


Back problems are one of the most common reasons to see a doctor. Approximately 80% of people will experince back pain during their lifetime. Fortunately, for the vast majority of these people the pain will subside naturally without the need for surgery.

Spine surgery A whether back or neck surgery A is an advanced treatment option for pain and disability caused by an identifiable lesion in the patient's anatomy that has not adequately improved with non-surgical treatments, Although spinal arthritis tends to be chronic, the symptoms are rarely progressive and rarely require surgery on the painful spinal joints. However, surgery may be needed in severe cases, and may include a spine fusion,decompression and/or laminectomy.

Many patients with lower back pain wonder if they will need surgery and if and when they should consult a surgeon. A This website reviews a number of symptoms and considerations regarding when it may be advisable to consult with a spine surgeon.

Spine surgeons are Surgeons who receive Special training in the diagnosis and treatment of the spine which include problems with the neck (cervical spine), mid back (thoracic spine) and low back(lumbar spine). A We are proud to say that india has produced some of the best word renowned Spinal Surgeons and our associated Senior spinal Surgeons working for their Hospital are always eager to extend a supporting helpful hand to A your spinal problems.

The latest techniques like Minimally invasive Spine Surgery, Expandable devices for Lumbar Spine Fusion are routinely carried out with results at par with the best centers globally.

Conventional Spine surgery involves taking long incisions, forceful muscle retraction for prolonged time, removal of normal tissues like ligaments and bone to approach area of pathology. Most of the times these surgeries are done under prolonged general anesthesia.


We offer comprehensive pediatric care for a wide variety of congenital and acquired musculoskeletal disorders and aims to bring a new ray of hope in the lives of many children suffering from orthopaedic ailments. We caters to all orthopaedic problems in children from birth to 18 years.

Examples of pediatric Orthopedic Problems:

  • Club foot
  • Club Foot Deformity
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Cerebral PalsyA Infection
  • Deformity
  • Kyphosys,Scoliosys
  • Cubitus varus
  • Hemi Epiphysiodesis
  • Genu Valgum
  • Post OM Bow Legs
  • Obstretical Brachial Plexus Palsy
  • Osteogenesis Imperfecta